Wednesday, October 16, 2019

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 1 Session Long Project Essay

ETH501, Business Ethics, Mod 1 Session Long Project - Essay Example According to them, the company was following â€Å"glass ceiling† policy where the minorities were no allowed to get ahead in their careers. In simple words, The Coca-Cola Company was giving preferential treatments to whites in the company. This issue was a small issue as only four people complained about the mistreatment of The Coca-Cola Company towards its employees. A deontological framework believes that actions are judged by the motives of any action. If the motives behind certain actions are wrong, but it leads to a good outcome, despite that the action will remain a bad action and vice versa. In simple words, it is the motive behind the action that makes it right or wrong and not the outcome. Since, the motive of the company was not promote the blacks and they are practicing discrimination, the action is wrong, not matter if there are good outcomes associated with the action (Although good outcomes are not possible in this case, but let’s assume it for the sake of our understanding). Therefore, one can clearly say that The Coca-Cola company cannot justify this problem from Deontological ethical frameworks because as it appears that the motives of the company are wrong by giving discriminatory treatment to African-Americans and other minorities working in the company. Similarly, let’s analyze the case from utilitarian framework to decide whether The Coca-Cola Company should be doing what it is or should it adopt a different policy. The Coca-Cola Company by adopting a policy of a racial bias is not letting the right talent to get ahead in his career. This situation has more harms than merits. For example, when a person is promoted on the basis of his race and not on the basis of merit, it is more often the case that his productivity is low. This low productivity would lead to low output available for consumption for the society. It will also mean

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